《老外怎麼看》入圍賽第一日:You Pro?你是職業選手?


Game 1 MAD VS ISGThank god for Gnarmut.

-Isurus didn't know Armut is basically a Gnar one trick.



Armut has a really big champion pool for an LEC top laner. He can play Astronaut Gnar, Dino Gnar, Snow day Gnar, Gentleman Gnar and much more Gnars

-Small boomerang yordle and big rockthrowing yordle

--Armut: Gl to other teams i added pink dino gnar to my pool




the horse is a horse of course of course


JEEZ MAN! Mumu and Ornn set up a near perfect CC chain for MF and she ults...the one non CC'ed champ!?


As expected, worlds in NA start with a clownfiest

-A delayed clownfiesta



Game 2 FNC VS EG前情提要:第一局比賽後延遲了快一個小時

Spanish caster just said they dont know when they are going to be back from break because they are just beginning to install the computers in the FNC room... You have to be joking


Picture of Jojo from before the pause started


At this rate Hylissang's gonna make it to Mexico before the game starts.


NA has arrived

NA 來了


MOD:Normally we lock submissions after a big upset/EUvsNA game to prevent queue flooding. Today, one of our mods accidentally locked the entire sub instead.

We promise its not because we were embarassed at NA's performance. After all, if we locked the sub every time NA embarrassed itself at an international tournament it would be easier to just keep the sub locked until the end of groups stage.

Reddit版主:正常來說當EU vs NA的比賽之後我們會把版面鎖住不讓發新帖以防伺服器承受不住,但是用戶們還是可以正常瀏覽和留言的。 今天我們的一個版主不小心把整個版面鎖住了。


Seems like filling in for Hylissang also means inheriting his gigantic ballsack.

-Only a half of it, he didn't even die, as a fnc fan I'm kinda disappointed, expected more from our support.



Absolutely disgusting performance from Rhuckz never want to see that again. 0 deaths and didnt even walk into fountain at the end. There was absolutely no int in his play. This is not what I want to see from Fnatic support.



-He needs to sit down and take notes from Hyli on his int games.. unacceptable not to die once as FNC support.

令人反胃的Rhucks表現。 0死,甚至都不送泉。他一點都不送,這不是我想要的FNC輔助的表現。


i was expecting Upset to be jetlagged not EG

-We were brainlagged. Its different and worse.

substitute diff




Game 3 LLL vs. BYGWell... at least their Valorant team is good.

-Fun fact: Sacy from their Valorant team used to be a professional CBLOL ADC! He debuted in 2013 and quit in 2020 to pursue Valorant. A good career swap I would say.



That was certainly an interesting Hecarim build.

-Pro players refuse to read a single patch note.

-You've seen Eclipse Hecarim, You've seen Sunderer and Triforce Hecarim, You've seen Chemtank Hecarim, now experience no mythic Hecarim

-Hey man, Frozen Heart was an auto-rush first item on top Hecarim...in 2015.





LLL going home with even more Ls




Shoutouts to LLL for helping get the games back on schedule 。 sprinting it so that we don't have to stay up too late


Game 4 MAD vs IWget ahead early

almost throw in mid/late

still win

Yep, still same ol' MAD lions





You Pro?


I'm still waiting for Holy Phoenix to actually hit someone in a team fight. Any day now.

- He pro?

我還在等Holy Pheonix在團戰中真正的輸出,輸出任何一個人都行。


Game 5 FNC vs CHF

unholy mid gap

-Tally made humanoid look like Chovy



No scrims no problem

-Can't have mental destroyed by bad scrims if you have none. Mega brained strat.

-Can』t have drama if you don』t see your team




Game 6 DFM vs LLLWin or lose, Brazil is speedrunning

- Brazil trying to fix Riot's schedule, again

- Not all heroes wear capes




Game 7 SGB vs IWEven my ARAM AP Kai'sa players are more aggressive than HolyPhoenix there.

即使我大亂斗的ap卡莎隊友都比Holy Pheonix打的有進攻性



mid zac 100% winrate at worlds nothing to see here


6/1 Kaisa at 8th min

Does nothing the whole game

Lose the game

-Turkish Rekkles





Game 8 DRX vs RNGProps to RNG for bringing out the Evelynn bot lane


What a game from DRX, a real solid game minus that Baron steal.

Mid lane supremacy from Zeka and DRX's bot lane were something else.

That being said KenZhu with an absolute dogshit draft.

-Classic RNG playing 3 patches behind for some reason

-You don't pair Nilah with Ali. She needs an enchanter support to be used perfectly




This seemed like a draft T1's coach would think is a good idea


Yeah, the West is screwed. Those were just the 4th seeds from LPL and LCK...



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