獅城男稱在吉隆坡開車 被馬國警察索錢

2022-04-14     緣分

獅城男稱在吉隆坡開車 被馬國警察索錢 一名新加坡男子稱駕車到馬來西亞,在吉隆坡遭到馬國警察索錢。

Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road今天(14日)在Facebook上傳了一段視頻,顯示一輛馬國警車停靠路旁,新加坡男子和另一名相信是警員的人站在車外,兩人似乎經過一番交流,隨後警員上車,男子則走上前去,手伸向車內,短短一瞬又抽離,回到自己的車上。






"Polis in KL. I'm Singaporean. Went there and they claimed I did not possessed Malaysia driving license, no visa to enter KL, claimed I drove into opposite direction which i did not and claimed issued IC is printed out as I kept passport in hotel. Told me to avoid being arrested and fine I can "treat" them to which they meant money. Video you could see they told me to throw the money into the car and ensure no one is watching. My hand should not be in the car. Hence I quickly pulled my hand away. Happened on 10 April 2022 at 1230pm." _________________ Car insurance due? Get peace of mind with BUDGET DIRECT INSURANCE. Get full protection with great insurance cover. Use Affinity code BEHCHIALOR to enjoy 5% off premium. Don't wait, get an instant quote today! https://bdi.sg/insure-car-offer

Posted by Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road on Wednesday, April 13, 2022
